
Finding treasures in my draft folder :)

Good morning 🙂

I’m not a strong stroke swimmer (can you tell we have been learning about alliteration :)) when it comes to daily life. I am more of a doggy paddler, gulping water and getting cramp. But there are times when I have a glimmer of the Olympic medalist within me and that usually has something to do with my thankfulness.

“The joy of the Lord is my strength” – Nehemiah 8:10

Stock standard scripture memory verse.


No matter how deep or wide or long the current “pool” of my life is, the JOY of the Lord is my sustaining, life giving strength. All it takes, to quote St Therese, is  ” A SIMPLE GLANCE DIRECTED TO HEAVEN” and the simple cry of THANK YOU.

This morning as I was tidying up some bloggish stuff, I stumbled across this post that I never published. It is simple, straight to the point and reminded me to spend today being thankful for everything I have…even a 4 year old who has multiple changes of underwear a day!

May your heart be lifted today in thanksgiving!


Ruth xxx

Below is the old post I found 🙂

I’m thankful for ugly concrete that can become the canvas for beauty!


I’m thankful for a sink full of soapy water and a sticker earring clad happy boy!


I’m thankful for a new dining room that is flooded with evening sunshine and provides a space for Master Luke’s creativity!


I’m thankful for the brainwave to turn an old set of drawers into a bureau for table wear and to also become our new family altar!Image

I’m thankful for an unsettled, grumpy, Curly Sue who in the midst of a stormy morning can draw Jesus on the cross and leave it on the family altar…Image

I’m thankful for a new Pope, who has a heart like Christ for the poor!


I’m thankful today!

What are you thankful for?

